RCON usage

The Remote Console (RCON) is a feature that allows you to send commands to a running TetriQ server.

Enabling RCON

To enable RCON, you need to set the enabled field in the rcon section of the configuration file to true.

Connecting to the RCON server

You can connect to the RCON server using netcat or a similar tool. The default port is 31458.

$ nc localhost 31458


To authenticate, you need to send the password set in the configuration file as your first command.

Sending commands

After authenticating, you can send commands to the server. Commands are sent as a single line of text. Here a list of available commands:

  • help: Display a list of available commands.
  • quit: Disconnect from the RCON server.
  • set channel <id>: This command is a bit special. Our TetriQ server uses "channels" to separate different games. You can set the channel you want to send commands to by using this command. For example, set channel 0 will set the current selected channel to channel 0.
  • list: List all channels by displaying the number of players in each channel and an indicator if the game is running or not.
  • create channel: Create a new channel. (kind of useless, because players can't join a specific channel for now).
  • delete channel <id>: Delete a channel. id being the channel ID.
  • get: not implemented yet.
  • startgame: Start a game in the current channel.
  • stopgame: Stop the game in the current channel.