Client configuration

The client can also be configured, when it is started, it will look for a configuration file in the following locations in order until it finds a valid one:

  1. client.toml
  2. etc/client.toml
  3. $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/tetriq/client.toml
  4. /etc/tetriq/client.toml

In the case that XDG_CONFIG_HOME is not set, it will default to ~/.config.

To make your own configuration, copy the configuration file that should be distributed along with TetriQ at either etc/client.toml or /etc/tetriq/client.toml to one of the directories listed above (three or four is preferable) and modify it as you see best.

Configuration fields

Here are the available configuration fields, along with their default value and description. If any field is missing from the configuration file, its default value will be used.

  • max_outgoing_bandwidth = 0

Upstream bandwidth of the host in bytes/second; if 0, ENet1 will assume unlimited bandwidth.

  • max_incoming_bandwidth = 0

Downstream bandwidth of the host in bytes/second; if 0, ENet1 will assume unlimited bandwidth.

  • server_timeout = 1000

The maximum time in milliseconds to wait for the server's answer during connection.


ENet is the network library used by TetriQ to manage connections.